Category: Hearing Education

link dementia deafness hearing problesm

Discovered link between Dementia and Hearing Loss

Discovery of the link between brain health (Dementia / Alzheimer’s) and hearing loss was recently publicised on the BBC and ABC. The articles showed there is considerable risk of dementia developing if midlife hearing loss is left untreated. One in six Australians experience hearing loss which can start at any time in life but, is more often in older adults including about one […]

ABC Checkout hearing aid program

ABC Consumer Awareness

ABC’s consumer awareness TV program Checkout showed an article on Audiology and hearing clinics in Australia and some of the pitfalls to look out for. Did you know: anyone can call themselves an Audiologist about a third of Australian hearing clinics are owned by hearing aid manufacturers or distributors which promote their own products Many manufacturers […]

Campbelltown audiologists NSW

Sudden Hearing Loss – A Hearing Emergency!

Sudden Hearing Loss is a sudden drop in hearing in (typically) one ear. For the one in 20,000 individuals who experiences this sudden hearing loss each year, it can be a terrifying experience. The reason for the hearing loss is mostly unknown, however it is often suspected that a virus has caused inflammation inside the inner […]

Hearing loss through work and excess noise

Working can make you deaf!

Noise induced hearing loss is the second most common cause of adult onset hearing loss (genetics is the most common cause). Hearing loss due to work related activities is also called ‘industrial deafness‘. Common industries which can cause industrial deafness are: electrical and plumbing mining and engineering factories and processing industry agriculture and farm operators council […]

Sydney audiology experts

Mac Hearing Awarded Government Contract

Mac Hearing has been awarded a contract by the Australian Federal Government to provide free hearing services to eligible patients. What free services are provided? A full hearing assessment, advice and support about your hearing loss, if needed, the fitting of an appropriate hearing device, contribution to maintenance and repair of hearing devices. Who is eligible for […]